Jacksonville Transit Authority Bus Rapid Transit

Client: Federal Transit Administration
Location: Jacksonville, FL

AVA’s Role

AVA provides Project Management Oversight (PMOC) services for capital programs to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). AVA provides expertise in identifying issues and proactive recommendations on complex transit design, construction, budget, schedule, system integration, vulnerability assessment, and real estate acquisition challenges.


The JTA BRT system consists of five (5) projects: Phase 1: Downtown Transit Enhancements; Phase 2: BRT North Corridor; Phase 3: BRT Southeast (SE) Corridor; Phase 4: BRT East Corridor; and Phase 5: BRT Southwest Corridor.  The primary goal of the system is to provide premium bus service to the region by improving travel times and transit amenities for passengers.  This BRT project includes queue jump signals, a CAD/AVL system with a real-time passenger information system, state of the art totems, Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) and security systems. The project includes procurement, testing and integration of 58 BRT low-floor compressed natural gas (CNG) buses as a part of a large fleet upgrade to CNG buses by JTA.


JTA estimates that the entire BRT system will cover 57 miles and cost approximately $152 million. The phases range between $13 million to $47 million in cost.

Completion Date

JTA has made a goal of opening a new phase each year. They have completed phases one and two in December 2015 and phase 3 in December 2016. These corridors are currently in revenue operation. The other two (2) phases will be completed by 2019.